1. Supply (1947)
The Infinite Way, Chapter 9
2. Metaphysical Healing (1947)
The Infinite Way, Chapter 8
3. Meditation (1953)
The Infinite Way, Chapters 6 and 7
4. Prayer (1953)
The Infinite Way, Chapters 6 and 7
5. Business (1947)
6. Salesmanship (1947)
7. Ye Are the Light (1947)
8. The Real Teacher (1948)
#237-2: 1958 Manchester Closed Class 3:2
Joel explains on this tape how this essay came into being.
9. The Seven Steps (1948)
#237-2: 1958 Manchester Closed Class 3:2
Joel explains on this tape how this essay came into being.
10. Truth for Business and Professional People (1952)
11. Secret of the 23rd Psalm (1952)
#614-2: 1951 First Seattle Series 1:2
12. Love (1952)
#615-2: 1951 First Seattle Series 2:2
On page 117 of The Spiritual Journey of Joel Goldsmith, Lorraine Sinkler explains the origin of the pamphlet “Love and Gratitude.”
13. Gratitude (1952)
#615-2: 1951 First Seattle Series 2:2
On page 117 of The Spiritual Journey of Joel Goldsmith, Lorraine Sinkler explains the origin of the pamphlet “Love and Gratitude.”
14. I Am the Vine (1953)
Living the Infinite Way, Chapter 6
15. Deep Silence of My Peace (1952)
#8A-2: 1952 New Washington Series 5:2
16. Fourth Dimension of Life (1953)
#12-2: 1952 Honolulu Class Series One 2:2
17. Contemplative Meditation with Scripture (1964)
18. Easter of Our Lives (1956)
#10-1: 1952 New Washington Series 9:1
In the 1957 February Letter (in The Heart of Mysticism), Joel tells about the experience that took place during the class from which the material for the booklet “The Easter of Our Lives” was taken.
19. A Lesson to Sam (1959)
From a letter Joel wrote to his stepson
Collected Essays is an anthology of Joel Goldsmith’s smaller works and booklets that weave the Infinite Way principles into a variety of timely topics. It gives the reader a broad sampling of Goldsmith’s spiritual wisdom. The book includes these titles: “Supply,” “Metaphysical Healing,” “Meditation,” “Prayer,” “Business,” “Salesmanship,” “Ye Are the Light,” “The Real Teacher,” “The Seven Steps,” “Truth for Business and Professional People,” “Secret of the 23rd Psalm,” “Love,” “Gratitude,” “I Am the Vine,” “Deep Silence of My Peace,” “Fourth Dimension of Life,” “Contemplative Meditation with Scripture,” “Easter of Our Lives,” and “A Lesson to Sam.”