"The first secret that we learn in meditation, the very first revelation that comes to us, is that all power is within us and that there is no external power that can act upon us."
Living The Infinite Way is the first Infinite Way textbook and one of the four foundational books in The Infinite Way teachings. As we begin our 2025 study, we focus on the “Introduction,” which opens the door to understanding this spiritual path. Joel writes: “Inner unfoldment is the mission of The Infinite Way.” These first six pages prepare us to move toward the living realization of individual consciousness: “When we are ready to do this, to die daily to a limited human life and to be reborn of the Spirit, we are no longer limited to a human mind or to a human experience. Spirit knows no limitation. Spirit just pours Itself through.” Continuing with Chapter One, “The Mystery of the Invisible,” we are prompted to reflect on what we seek and where we seek it. Are we looking for supply, companionship, recognition, or security in the outer world? Joel reminds us, “It is futile to get more of what the world has. My kingdom is not of this world.” This is the inner kingdom where God’s Spirit resides. The chapter invites us to ask, “What have I in the house?” and begin drawing from the Father-consciousness within.
"We must drop this belief that we play a part in obtaining God’s love, God’s grace, or God’s givingness, and remember that the only part we play is to accept it by opening our consciousness to receive it."