to the Joel S. Goldsmith Books Foundation!
We are pleased to offer the complete literary works of Joel S. Goldsmith and The Infinite Way. Explore and study original and authentic masterpieces of practical mysticism with a Reading Room subscription, join our ongoing monthly chapter study, and use the invaluable search tool.
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A photograph of Joel S. Goldsmith.
Who was Joel S. Goldsmith?

Joel S. Goldsmith (1892 – 1964), an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, author, and healer, taught a mystical message based on spiritual principles revealed to him. He called this message “The Infinite Way.”

Joel taught that The Infinite Way is an experience of God and a way of life by grace, and that the message of The Infinite Way can lead sincere, dedicated spiritual students to that experience. He was very clear that the experience comes only as we seek within ourselves, for “the kingdom of God is within you.”
The book titled The Government of Eden is shown in various publishing formats, including paperback, hardback, and ebook for phone and tablet.
The Government of Eden
An extraordinary compilation of Joel Goldsmith’s classwork focusing on areas of deep concern today, including government, politics, and voting. Available as hardback, paperback and e-book.

Our catalog of Joel S. Goldsmith publications includes 57 books and 19 pamphlets. All titles can be purchased directly from The Infinite Way Office, and can also be found online at Amazon, or you can ask a local bookstore to place an order for you. We no longer sell directly from this website.

The cover image of the Acropolis Books catalog.

We are glad to offer this guide to the entire collection of Joel Goldsmith's publications in print. This 62 page catalog highlights each book and pamphlet, including full description, cover image, retail price and ISBN. In the front you will find an order guide to assist you in placing your order over the phone by calling The Infinite Way Office at (951) 656-1215. You may request a printed catalog here. If you prefer to download a digital copy of the catalog, click here.


Introducing an eleven-month
self-directed study on the Presence within.
CURRENTLY FEATURING Practicing the Presence, Chapter Nine
Join the self-directed study of Chapter Nine from Practicing the Presence. We host this timely activity in our Reading Room where you will find a chapter featured monthly, available to read on our website with a Reading Room membership. Read about our membership services here.

A New Horizon: Recommended Chapters of The Infinite Way

Out of his complete body of lectures, class work, and books compiled over twenty years, Joel Goldsmith recommended just nine chapters that should be "known by every student as well as they know their own name." These chapters, he said, could lift one from the third-dimensional consciousness to the fourth-dimensional Consciousness.

Each chapter in this book addresses a particular aspect of our spiritual development. The first chapter lays the ground work, establishing our starting point in Spirit. We progress through chapters covering our oneness with God and how that spiritual relationship affects other relationships. We learn about trials, barriers to growth, and protection, and eventually, we break through the human confines and emerge with a bolder spiritual perception. After working with all nine chapters, we emerge with anew understanding and awaken to the fact that our world reflects what resides in our consciousness. And, when fourth-dimensional Consciousness emerges, we realize and experience The Infinite Way of being.


The cool, clear water of the well of contentment within refreshes you with the assurance that joy already IS. "Peace, be still."